GST @ 18% is Applicable in All Services

Stock Cash Intraday
Monthly ₹ 10,500
In this service we provide 1-3 intraday stock cash calls in NSE depends on Equity Market conditions, some time there may be less number of calls if market is very risky, range bound or sideways. We Provide Trading calls on the basis of Technical Analysis (Use of Candlestick Charts, Price patterns, Technical Indicators like: RSI, MACD, Stochastic, ADX etc.) and also track Live Market News & updates, Market Data’s, Market Events etc.

Stock Cash Premium
Monthly ₹ 25,000
In this service we provide 1-2 intraday stock cash premium calls in NSE depends on Equity Market conditions. Some time there may be less number of calls if market is very risky, range bound or sideways. We Provide Trading calls on the basis of Technical Analysis (Use of Candlestick Charts, Price patterns, Technical Indicators like: RSI, MACD, Stochastic, ADX etc.) and also track Live Market News & updates, Market Data’s, Market Events etc.

Platinum Stock Cash
Monthly ₹ 55,000
In this service we provide 3 to 4 Stock Cash Positional calls per week in NSE depends on Equity Market Conditions. We Provide Trading calls on the basis of Technical Analysis (Use of Candlestick Charts, Price patterns, Technical Indicators like: RSI, MACD, Stochastic, ADX etc.) and also track Live Market News & updates, Market Data’s, Market Events etc.

Intraday Stock Futures
Monthly ₹ 10,500
In this service we provide 1-3 Stock Futures Intraday calls per day in NSE depends on Equity Market conditions. Some time there may be less number of calls if market is very risky, range bound or sideways. We Provide Trading calls on the basis of Technical Analysis (Use of Candlestick Charts, Price patterns, Technical Indicators like: RSI, MACD, Stochastic, ADX etc.) and also track Live Market News & updates, Market Data’s, Market Events etc.

Stock Future Premium
Monthly ₹ 35,000
In this service we provide 1-2 Stock Future Premium Intraday calls per day in NSE depends on Equity Market conditions. Some time there may be less number of calls if market is very risky, range bound or sideways. We Provide Trading calls on the basis of Technical Analysis (Use of Candlestick Charts, Price patterns, Technical Indicators like: RSI, MACD, Stochastic, ADX etc.) and also track Live Market News & updates, Market Data’s, Market Events etc.

Index Future
Monthly ₹ 10,500
In this service we provide 1 Index (Nifty & Bank Nifty) Future Intraday call per day in NSE depends on Equity Market conditions. Some time there may be less number of calls if market is very risky, range bound or sideways. We Provide Trading calls on the basis of Technical Analysis (Use of Candlestick Charts, Price patterns, Technical Indicators like: RSI, MACD, Stochastic, ADX etc.) and also track Live Market News & updates, Market Data’s, Market Events etc.

Monthly ₹ 35,000
In this service we provide 1-2 BTSTT/STBTT call in Stock Future in NSE depends on Equity Market conditions. Some time there may be less number of calls if market is very risky, range bound or sideways. We Provide Trading calls on the basis of Technical Analysis (Use of Candlestick Charts, Price patterns, Technical Indicators like: RSI, MACD, Stochastic, ADX etc.) and also track Live Market News & updates, Market Data’s, Market Events etc.

Platinum Stock Futures
Monthly ₹ 55,000
In this service we provide 3 to 4 Stock Futures Positional calls per week in NSE depends on Equity Market conditions. We Provide Trading calls on the basis of Technical Analysis (Use of Candlestick Charts, Price patterns, Technical Indicators like: RSI, MACD, Stochastic, ADX etc.) and also track Live Market News & updates, Market Data’s, Market Events etc.

Option Intraday
Monthly ₹ 25,000
In this service we provide 1-2 Stock Option Intraday call per day in NSE depends on Equity Market conditions. Some time there may be less number of calls if market is very risky, range bound or sideways. We Provide Trading calls on the basis of Technical Analysis (Use of Candlestick Charts, Price patterns, Technical Indicators like: RSI, MACD, Stochastic, ADX etc.) and also track Live Market News & updates, Market Data’s, Market Events etc.

Option Premium
Monthly ₹ 55,000
In this service we provide 1-2 Option Premium Intraday some time may be one day holding call per day in NSE depends on Equity Market conditions. Some time there may be less number of calls if market is very risky, range bound or sideways. We Provide Trading calls on the basis of Technical Analysis (Use of Candlestick Charts, Price patterns, Technical Indicators like: RSI, MACD, Stochastic, ADX etc.) and also track Live Market News & updates, Market Data’s, Market Events etc.

Platinum Option
Monthly ₹ 100,000
In this service we provide 3 to 4 Stock or Index option Positional calls per week in NSE depends on Equity Market conditions. We Provide Trading calls on the basis of Technical Analysis (Use of Candlestick Charts, Price patterns, Technical Indicators like: RSI, MACD, Stochastic, ADX etc.).

Bullion Intraday
Monthly ₹ 10,500
In this service we provide 1-3 Intraday Bullion/Commodity calls in MCX per day depends on Commodity Market conditions, some time there may be less number of calls if market is very risky, range bound or sideways. We Provide Trading calls on the basis of Technical Analysis (Use of Candlestick Charts, Price patterns, Technical Indicators like: RSI, MACD, Stochastic, ADX etc.) and also track Live Market News & updates, Market Data’s, Market Events etc.

Bullion Premium
Monthly ₹ 25,000
In this service we provide 1 Positional call in Bullion/Commodity in MCX per day depends on Commodity Market conditions, some time there may be less number of calls if market is very risky, range bound or sideways. We Provide Trading calls on the basis of Technical Analysis (Use of Candlestick Charts, Price patterns, Technical Indicators like: RSI, MACD, Stochastic, ADX etc.) and also track Live Market News & updates, Market Data’s, Market Events etc.

Precious Metals
Monthly ₹ 10,500
In this service we provide 1-2 Intraday Precious Metals calls in MCX per day depends on Commodity Market conditions, some time there may be less number of calls if market is very risky, range bound or sideways. Precious Metals includes Gold, Silver. We Provide Trading calls on the basis of Technical Analysis (Use of Candlestick Charts, Price patterns, Technical Indicators like: RSI, MACD, Stochastic, ADX etc.) and also track Live Market News & updates, Market Data’s, Market Events etc.

Base Metals
Monthly ₹ 10,500
In this service we provide 1-2 Intraday Base metals calls in MCX per day depends on Commodity Market conditions, some time there may be less number of calls if market is very risky, range bound or sideways. Base Metals includes Copper, Nickel, Aluminium, Zinc, Lead. We Provide Trading calls on the basis of Technical Analysis (Use of Candlestick Charts, Price patterns, Technical Indicators like: RSI, MACD, Stochastic, ADX etc.) and also track Live Market News & updates, Market Data’s, Market Events etc

Energy Pack
Monthly ₹ 10,500
In this service we provide 1-2 Intraday Energy calls in MCX per day depends on Commodity Market conditions, some time there may be less number of calls if market is very risky, range bound or sideways. Energy includes Crude Oil, Natural Gas. We Provide Trading calls on the basis of Technical Analysis (Use of Candlestick Charts, Price patterns, Technical Indicators like: RSI, MACD, Stochastic, ADX etc.) and also track Live Market News & updates, Market Data’s, Market Events etc.

Energy Premium Pack
Monthly ₹ 25,000
In this service we provide 3 TO 4 Positional Energy calls in MCX per week depends on Commodity Market conditions, some time there may be less number of calls if market is very risky, range bound or sideways. Energy includes Crude Oil, Natural Gas. We Provide Trading calls on the basis of Technical Analysis (Use of Candlestick Charts, Price patterns, Technical Indicators like: RSI, MACD, Stochastic, ADX etc.) and also track Live Market News & updates, Market Data’s, Market Events etc.

Basemetal Premium Pack
Monthly ₹ 35,000
In this service we provide 3 TO 4 Positional Base metals calls in MCX per week depends on Commodity Market conditions, some time there may be less number of calls if market is very risky, range bound or sideways. Base Metals includes Copper, Nickel, Aluminium, Zinc, Lead. We Provide Trading calls on the basis of Technical Analysis (Use of Candlestick Charts, Price patterns, Technical Indicators like: RSI, MACD, Stochastic, ADX etc.) and also track Live Market News & updates, Market Data’s, Market Events etc.

Precious Metals Premium Pack
Monthly ₹ 25,000
In this service we provide 3 TO 4 Positional Precious Metals calls in MCX per week depends on Commodity Market conditions, some time there may be less number of calls if market is very risky, range bound or sideways. Precious Metals includes Gold, Silver. We Provide Trading calls on the basis of Technical Analysis (Use of Candlestick Charts, Price patterns, Technical Indicators like: RSI, MACD, Stochastic, ADX etc.) and also track Live Market News & updates, Market Data’s, Market Events etc.

Index Option
Monthly ₹ 25,000
In this service we provide 1-2 Intraday or Positional calls in Nifty & Bank Nifty Option per day in NSE depends on Equity Market conditions. Some time there may be less number of calls if market is very risky, range bound or sideways. We Provide Trading calls on the basis of Technical Analysis (Use of Candlestick Charts, Price patterns, Technical Indicators like: RSI, MACD, Stochastic, ADX etc.) we do Derivatives Data Analysis like Open Interest, Cost of Carry,PCR Ratio etc. and also track Live Market News & updates, Market Data’s, Market Events etc.

Equity Premium Reports
Monthly ₹ 25,000
In this service we provide you Daily, Weekly and Special Premium reports of Equity Market. As we know Market movements heavily depends upon Market News & updates, Market Data’s, Market Events. In our Premium Reports we provide you all appropriate information’s on right time which will help you to check your Investment/Trading decisions. All information’s will be collected and Filtered by the Expert team and then send it to you in the form of Premium Reports so you can be updated about the Market movements.

Commodity Premium Reports
Monthly ₹ 25,000
In this service we provide you Daily, Weekly and Special Premium reports of Commodity Market. As we know Market movements heavily depends upon Market News & updates, Market Data’s, Market Events. In our Premium Reports we provide you all appropriate information’s on right time which will help you to check your Investment/Trading decisions. All information’s will be collected and Filtered by the Expert team and then send it to you in the form of Premium Reports so you can be updated about the Market movements.

Stock Cash of The Week
Monthly ₹ 15,000
In this service we provide 3 Stock Cash Positional calls per week in NSE with high level of Accuracy. We Provide Trading calls on the basis of Technical Analysis (Use of Candlestick Charts, Price patterns, Technical Indicators like: RSI, MACD, Stochastic, ADX etc.) and also track Live Market News & updates, Market Data’s, Market Events etc.

Stock Futures of The Week
Monthly ₹ 25,000
In this service we provide 1-3 Intraday Bullion/Commodity calls in MCX per day depends on Commodity Market conditions, some time there may be less number of calls if market is very risky, range bound or sideways. We Provide Trading calls on the basis of Technical Analysis (Use of Candlestick Charts, Price patterns, Technical Indicators like: RSI, MACD, Stochastic, ADX etc.) and also track Live Market News & updates, Market Data’s, Market Events etc.

Mutual Fund Investment Advise
Monthly : NA
In this service we provide Mutual Fund Investment guidance for different objectives like Wealth Creation, Goal based investment (purchasing a car or house, child education, Vacation, wedding) Tax planning (ELSS), Retirement planning. Mutual Fund Investment advice for all your needs either you want to invest through SIP or through Lump sum Investment.

Basic Equity Market Educational Module
Monthly : NA
In this service we provide Share Market Educational content to our clients. The core objective of this service is to increase awareness in Public about Stock Market Trading and Investment. Important basics of stock market is covered thoroughly in this service. This service doesn’t give any investment or trading advise,the main purpose of the product is education/awareness about Share Market.

Mutual Funds Module
Monthly : NA
In this Module we provide Mutual Funds Educational content to Investors. The core objective of this module is to increase awareness in Public about Mutual Funds Investment. Important basics of Mutual Fund is covered thoroughly in this module. This service doesn’t give any investment advice, the main purpose of the Module is education/awareness about Mutual Funds.

Derivative (F&O) & Commodity Market Module
Monthly : NA
In this service we provide Share Market Educational content to our clients. The core objective of this service is to increase awareness in Public about Stock Market Trading and Investment. Important basics of stock market is covered thoroughly in this service. This service doesn’t give any investment or trading advise,the main purpose of the product is education/awareness about Share Market.

Supervalue Cash
Monthly ₹ 75,000
In this service we provide 3 to 4 Stock Cash Positional calls per week in NSE depends on Equity Market conditions, some time there may be less number of calls if market is very risky, range bound or sideways. We Provide Trading calls on the basis of Technical Analysis (Use of Candlestick Charts, Price patterns, Technical Indicators like: RSI, MACD, Stochastic, ADX etc.) and also track Live Market News & updates, Market Data’s, Market Events etc.

Platinum Commodity
Monthly ₹ 75,000
In this service we provide 3 TO 4 Positional calls in Bullion/Commodity in MCX per week depends on Commodity Market conditions, some time there may be less number of calls if market is very risky, range bound or sideways. We Provide Trading calls on the basis of Technical Analysis (Use of Candlestick Charts, Price patterns, Technical Indicators like: RSI, MACD, Stochastic, ADX etc.) and also track Live Market News & updates, Market Data’s, Market Events etc.

Technical Analysis Module
Monthly : NA
In this Module we provide Technical Analysis Educational content to Investors/Traders. The core objective of this service is to increase awareness in Public about the role of Technical Analysis in Trading and Investment. Important basics of Technical Analysis is covered thoroughly in this module.

Fundamental Analysis Module
Monthly : NA
In this Module we provide Fundamental Analysis Educational content to Investors/Traders. The core objective of this service is to increase awareness in Public about the role of Fundamental Analysis in Trading and Investment. Important basics of Fundamental Analysis is covered thoroughly in this module.

Option Strategy Module
Monthly : NA
In this Module we provide Option Strategy Educational content to Investors/Traders. The core objective of this service is to increase awareness in Public about the role of Option Strategies in Trading and Investment. Important basics of Option Strategy is covered thoroughly in this module.